A product by Grenade
Review Overview – What does Grenade .50 Caliber do?
.50 Caliber is a pre-workout from the folks at Grenade that claims to:
- Boost Energy
- Pump
- Focus
- Strength
But does it really?
Due to popular demand, we’ve taken a closer look at .50 Caliber and seen that it’s not as clear cut as they’ve made out.
The science behind it is actually quite frightening – seriously, check out what we found:
Can I double scoop it?
Absolutely not.
Grenade doesn’t recommend double scooping this product, and neither do we. Read on to find out why – there’s a pretty obvious reason.
How are the ingredients in .50 Caliber?
There are both good and bad choices .50 Cal, and it’s clear to see some of the mistakes they’ve made – the main one being the potential side effects.
It’s the dosages that make all the differences here. Take a look:
L-Citrulline is a good choice, but it may not be enough…
Possibly one of the best ‘pump’ pre-workout ingredients out there. Citrulline is converted by your liver into Arginine which your body uses to create nitric oxicide.
Long story short it dilates your blood vessels and makes your muscles pump central. However studies have shown that Citrulline only comes into it’s own around the 5.5g mark. .50 Caliber is a little short of the mark.
But the Beta-Alanine will be effective…
BA is a great nutrient for buffering the acid in the muscles, and it also increases all over endurance.
Studies suggest you need at least 2g of this stuff to get a kick – which .50 Caliber has, so there’s no problem there.
And the Creatine should help with powering up…
A classic ingredient, and good for power output in a workout. Creatine helps with water retention your muscles and helps you produce more explosive power for a workout.
The 3 Types of Caffeine however add up to 400mg!
Before you get excited – this is not a good thing. 400mg of caffeine is a hell of a lot of stimulant to be putting in a pre-workout, it’s not going to get you wired, it’s just going to make you feel sick.
Needless to say, there are going to be side effects. It’s the equivalent of drinking 5 – 6 cups of strong coffee in one go.
And the Synephrine is only going to make things worse….
There’s been a lot of controversy over synephrine in supplements, and with good reason – it causes side effects.
When mixed with caffeine the results are never good, with numerous users suffering a range of negative effects. More on that later.
The L-Theanine, Higenamine and Huperzine-A may help focus you up…
.50 Caliber also contains a small amount of various nootropics which help improve focus and mood when it comes to training. These’ll help to an extent, the L-Theanine more than anything due to it’s ability to lower anxiety (think how jittery the caffeine makes you), but nothing major.
Ingredients Bottom Line
Overall there are a few good ingredients in this product; the Citrulline’s a little under-dosed but the Creatine, Beta-Alanine and Nootropic elements are good.
However, the 400mg of caffeine is going to cause side effects, and the Synephrine makes this problem so much worse. It’s definitely a road not worth going down.
If you want to know what ingredients you should be looking for in a Pre-Workout, check out our link below on the best pre-workout nutrients on the market:
– Best Pre-Workout Nutrients –
Are there side effects?
You’re more than likely going to experience some.
This is mainly down to the caffeine. 400mg in one serving is absolute insanity – and in most cases will cause nasty side effects such as:
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Light-Headedness
- Jitters
- Raised Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
Add on to that the synephrine, and these side effects are intensified with the added bonus of migraines.
It’s worth staying away from.
Is there anything better out there?
We know a lot about pre-workouts, and enough to say this isn’t the best out there.
We’ve compiled a list of the best that:
- Improve Energy Levels
- Ramp up your Pumps
- Increase your power output
- Focus your mind
If you want a better workout, check out our Top 3 in the link below:
– Top 3 Pre-Workouts –
Grenade .50 Caliber Review Conclusion
Overall this is, in our opinion, the most dangerous pre-workout we’ve covered. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, definitely stay away from this one.
Here’s what you need to know about .50 Caliber on the whole:
- Under-dosed – Not enough Citrulline in here for that full pumped effect
- Too much caffeine – 400mg of Caffeine is way too much for any pre-workout
- Side Effects – Serious downsides to taking this product if you don’t have a good tolerance for it.
There’s definitely better choices out there, that safer and more effective. This one’s too stimulant-strong to be controlled, for a better result check out our current top pre-workout in the link below:
As voted by you, and tested by us - 4 Gauge is the current #1 Pre Workout on the market.
It is the best option for:
- Endurance
- Strength
- Energy
- Muscle Pumps
- Focus
And it's the best we've seen on the market - and you can read the full story in our review below:
Read the FULL official 4 Gauge Review!